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Convincing results
Convincing results with Jazia PVS in Dodoma Region pilot

Bundled with supportive measures of regular auditing and supportive supervision, Jazia PVS has shown remarkable results.  A significant increase in availability of medicines at health facilities and enhanced accountability have been measured.

System performance

A composite of five operational indicators is used to monitor the performance of the Jazia PVS on a quarterly basis.

Twenty-four tracer items were used to monitor medicines availability at health facilities. Due to the innovative PV system and accompanying measures such as auditing and coaching, mean medicine availability in the region increased by over 40% between 2013 and 2018.

Medicines availability

Prime Vendor performance

As of  2018, purchases by health facilities from the Prime Vendor in the Dodoma region over the period of 4 years of PV system operations were estimated at about TShs 2 billion annually.

The overall performance of the Prime Vendor (as a supplier), measured by a composite of 7 indicators was rated “Good in 2018, assessing delivery time, fill rate, quality of supplies, communication and overall satisfaction with PV Services. 

Average delivery time from the Prime Vendor was 10 working days as compared to an average delivery time of 1 month or more from MSD. 

The order fulfillment rate of the Prime Vendor (as a supplier) averaged 99%, which added to the general satisfaction of health facilities with PV services.

Availability increased significantly as had transparency and accountability in the procurement and supply process.

National Roll-out in 2018
National roll-out results

The President’s Office of Regional Administration and Local Government (PORALG) together with HPSS planned and implemented the national roll-out.

  • Funding for scaling up was provided by the government and dedicated basket funds.

  • A 10-step approach for implementation was applied.

  • Cascade training from national to facility level was conducted. Each selected private vendor signed a contract with the respective regional authority. 

​The Jazia PVS was expanded from the three pilot regions to all 26 regions of Tanzania mainland, covering 185 councils, 5381 health facilities and a total population of 51’400’000.

Convincing results with Jazia PVS after scaling to in 26 regions

Accompanied with supportive measures of regular auditing and supportive supervision, Jazia PVS has continued to show remarkable and consistent results after the national roll-out. Increased availability of medicines in  the whole country and accountability has been measured.

System performance

Twenty-four tracer items were used to monitor medicines availability at health facilities. After the national scaling to all 26 regions in mainland Tanzania, mean medicine availability in the whole country continued to increase from 2018-2022 to above 90%. A slight decrease was observed during the Covid-19 pandemic due to disrupted supply chains globally. Availability has since  increased again to pre-pandemic levels.

Medicines availability

Graph availability.png

Increase in average availability of tracer medicines from 2015 to 2022

​53% to 92%
Prime Vendor performance

Since implementation of the PVS, the total value of health supplies procured from private vendors from 2011 to 2022 in Tanzania was Tsh 74’525’628’059.

Purchase volume from Prime Vendors

Total purchase volume from Prime Vendors from 2015 to 2022

Tsh 96’801’725’420
National coverage and key achievements of Jazia PVS in 2023

This transformative supply chain model significantly boosted healthcare commodity availability in Tanzania. By fostering transparency and accountability, aligning with safety standards and maintaining fixed pricing, it elevated availability of medicines from 53 to over 90 % from 2011 to 2022. Over 20 billion Tanzanian shillings annual value of health commodities are procured from all prime vendors.

This groundbreaking logistic system offers multiple benefits, including enhanced planning, quicker decision-making, cost-effective purchasing of medicines and health commodities, accountability and  improved healthcare delivery in public health facilities.


Tanzania now has  a unique supply chain model of pooled procurement in a public-private partnership with prime vendors, anchored in national laws and regulations.

Today, 8,000 health facilities and a population of 61 million Tanzanians benefit from this supplementary supply of medical products, complementing MSD.

© 2023 Jazia Prime Vendor

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